Unit 1: Primary research: Questionnaire

For my poster research I would like to do a questionnaire to gauge what people prefer in a poster design, for this I shall create a set of questions relating to poster design and hand out the questionnaires to family and friends to see what their response is and with the results I’ve collected I’ll try and put some of the things people prefer in poster designs within my own poster to make sure that it looks good.

Poster design questionnaire.

Q1: When you look at a poster do you prefer thick or thin text?
A. Thin.
B. Thick.
C. Not sure.

Q2: when looking at a poster do you read the text or just look at the picture’s?
A. I prefer to read the text on a poster.
B. I prefer to look at the images on a poster.
C. Not sure.

Q3: On a poster do you tend to visit any websites listed or do you just ignore them and focus on the text on the poster or the images?.
A: If it interests me then I might look at the website
B:  I don’t  look at the websites listed, instead I look at the pictures/text.
C: Not sure

Q4: Would you prefer darker colours than bright colours on a poster, would it be easier to look at?
A. I prefer looking at posters with darker colours.
B: I prefer looking at posters with brighter colours.
C: Not sure

Q5: For a poster would you like the logos to be large or small.
A: I prefer larger logos so that I can read up on them later.
B: I prefer smaller logos so that they don’t obscure the images/text on the poster.
C: Not sure.

I’ve now taken the results and put them into a bar chart, these are the results:

Survey 1

Survey 2

Survey 3

Survey 4

Survey 5

Person 1:
Q1: C
Q2: B
Q3: A/B
Q4: B
Q5: A

Person 2:
Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: B
Q4: B
Q5: A

Person 3:
Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: A
Q4: B
Q5: A

Person 4:
Q1: B
Q2: B
Q3: A
Q5: B

Person 5:
Q1: B
Q5: B

With these results I shall use them to finish my final poster design.

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